Reckless motorist in Dubai faces AED50,000 fine for dangerous driving

A Dubai motorist was arrested and hit with a fine of Dh50,000 after being caught on camera tailgating and overtaking another vehicle in a perilous manner on Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Road, according to an announcement from Dubai Police on Thursday.

The police released footage which showcased the dangerous driving behavior of the individual. The video revealed the driver’s aggressive maneuvers, including swerving dangerously close to another car while overtaking it from the right and repeatedly braking once ahead, risking a serious collision.

Maj-Gen Saif Muhair Al Mazroui, the head of the General Department of Traffic at Dubai Police, commented that the traffic patrol officers acted with restraint, choosing an appropriate time to safely halt the driver. He decried the driver’s actions, stating they “violate public standards and the rights of other road users.” As a consequence, the motorist’s vehicle was confiscated, and 23 black points were added to his driving record.

Highlighting the severity of the incident, Maj-Gen Al Mazroui emphasized, “Aggressive driving requires decisive action.” He noted that their response was in line with a new Dubai law, which imposes significant fines for road recklessness. This law classifies reckless driving and endangering lives or property, alongside actions like running a red light, under severe traffic offenses that warrant a Dh50,000 penalty. Those found racing on roads face even steeper fines of Dh100,000.

In a firm reminder, Maj-Gen Al Mazroui said, “No one is above the law.”

Recent statistics from the Ministry of Interior highlight the urgency of curbing such behavior, as sudden lane changes and tailgating were major contributors to last year’s accidents.